Hello all! I’ve just wrapped up my fall book tour events, and am filled with gratitude for all the support I’ve been given over these past months. In September, I flew down to Mississippi State University to give a reading for the Price Caldwell Visiting Writers Series. In October, I read with fellow Nebraska poets Katie Marya, Kimberly Reyes, and Carolina Hotchandani to celebrate the release of Carolina’s new collection, The Book Eaters (which I highly recommend). In early October, I flew home to Ligonier, PA to visit family, and while I was there I led a workshop on place-based environmental writing at the Ligonier Valley Library. We had a wonderful turnout, and it felt like the perfect way to end this string of events, being that it was held in the library where I spent so much time when I was young.
In publication news, I have a new poem, “The Decay of Progress and the Progress of Decay,” out in EcoTheo Review. I also have two recent interviews: one with the good folks at COMP: an interdisciplinary journal, and one with Jordan Charlton for the Southern Indiana Review’s Afterwords column.
Finally, in September I also had the good fortunate to attend a writing retreat hosted by UNL’s College of Arts and Sciences, where I spent three magical days writing, walking, and thinking in the beautiful surroundings of Cedar Point Biological Station. While there, I made progress on a new manuscript that I’m excited about; more on that later!